Chaos Explained

This page is a combination of three blogs. This is where they all live, not necessarily in harmony, since they are all listed in the order that I posted them on this homepage rather than any sort of order that makes sense.

Blog 1 I currently write a weekly library column for a paper which, I have been told, has 151 subscribers. I know my mom reads the column, and sometimes dad does, but I want some more exposure. If you are here for the library stuff, I recommend clicking on the Library Column tab.

Blog 2 Presumably I will have something to write about that is not library-related. It will be posted under the Personal Blog tab.

Blog 3 I started a blog in 2007 on a wonderful site called Xanga. Xanga went broke in 2013 because they grew too fast and weren’t prepared, either financially or technologically. I no longer have access to edit the site where the posts are languishing, but I can repost my archived blogs. I am going to pick through the backlog and post what I believe is still of general interest.

As a stay-at-home mom, I had three kids and nearly four. For privacy reasons, I called my kids by their middle names. I am planning to fix that as I post them here, but I may miss a few instances. I miss the babies, but not the husband of those days. If you are here to walk down memory lane and marvel that my children have survived their childhood, this is your place. Click on the Archived Blog tab for peek into the unraveling mind of a woman who preferred reading to housework.

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